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Reputable websites & books to check out!

Online Resources

More will be added shortly!

.edu .org
.gov only

International Aroid Society

The IAS is a nonprofit organization which supports aroid education, research and horticulture through publications, awards, events and the website.


PropG is a web glossary application designed by the authors of the world standard textbook: Hartmann and Kester's Plant Propagation: Principles and Practices. Over 500 terms, images and videos are provided under nine major subject areas.

American Society for Horticultural Science

The ASHS publishes three high-impact, peer-reviewed scientific journals: HortScience, HortTechnology, and The Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science.

USPTO - Plant Patents

United States Patent & Trademark Office. This publication provides a basic overview of US plant patents.

Book Recommendations

Books will be added shortly - stay tuned!

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