Troubleshooting & Care
Pests - Identifying & Treatment
Spider Mites
Spider mites can be hard to spot, often causing significant damage before identified.
Look for webbing across leaves, especially in the leaf sinus. Stippled discoloration reveals where the mites have pierced and fed on the leaf. Seriously damaged leaves will eventually yellow and drop off.
Thrips are slender, winged insects that feed on plant tissues. They cause damage to leaves that often appears black or silver. Thrips themselves can be light or dark colored. Thrips can be frustrating and difficult to control, especially if allowed to spread through a collection.
Aphids are soft bodied insects that suck nutrients from plant leaves and stems. They often congregate together, sucking nutrients from leaves and excreting a sticky, sugary substance called honeydew that can cause black sooty mold to develop.
Ants may carry aphids and mealy bugs onto your plants in order to consume their honeydew.
Mealy Bugs
There are several different varieties of scale insect that can affect houseplants.
Mealy bugs are white and downy and often easier to spot than varieties of armored scale.
Armored Scale
There are several different varieties of scale insect that can affect houseplants.
Armored scale can be easily scraped off with a fingernail, which helps differentiate these insects from simple leaf damage.
Leaf Miners
Fungus Gnats
Every houseplant lover has had a run-in with these, and the biggest issue is there is more bad advice than good advice available on how to eradicate them.
An extensive infestation of these in an individual pot indicates root damage and rot- so if you see them, it is time to investigate.
Insect Eggs
Soil Dwellers
Remember - healthy soil is an ecosystem! A lot of bugs can and will take up residence there. Centipedes, millipedes, predatory beetles and worms along with fungi and bacteria all make up the microbiome in each pot.
Good Bugs
Some bugs are friends, not foes!
Before you panic- remember that some bugs are highly beneficial!
Bugs like springtails, spiders, ladybugs, lacewings, mealybug destroyers and predatory mites all provide benefits when they take up residence in your collection- so learn to ID these and not harm them!
Identifying: Deficiencies, Damage, Disease, & More
Mechanical Damage
Mechanical damage is damage that occurs from physical trauma to the leaves. If the plant is dropped, scratched, or dinged, leaving damage that can cause discoloration and open wounds that can become infected.
Chlorotic leaves are yellow or white, with green veining. Chlorosis is due to a lack of chlorophyll and can be caused by a variety of factors but is most commonly the result of nutrient deficiency or soil imbalance.
Nutrient Deficiency & Burn
Creating a nutrient rich medium for our plants to grow in is ideal. When our medium offers either too little or too much nutrient content, we can see damage in our plants.
Troubleshooting this can be complicated. It is important to understand your growing mediums and fertilizer products.
Viral Damage
Viral damage can be tricky to identify, and are less common than most realize. There are several viruses than can affect aroids, and testing is available to determine if a plant is truly affected. Any plant suspected of having viral damage should not be brought into your collection.
i don’t know what is actual wrong with the plant in the photo is it fungal too
i don’t know if the photos are right
Dry Rot
Identifying: (????)
Guttation is a normal process for plants, and is not a cause for concern. Guttation occurs when structures called hydathodes on the leaf tips and margins excrete water. Guttation is most common at night.
Extrafloral Nectaries
roots calcium thing
Sun Bleaching
Sun Stress
Sun stress can cause some very vivid and interesting pigmentation in some plants. Anthocyanins are pigments that a plant may produce to help provide protection from sun or light damage. Some hoyas and succulents are sun stressed intentionally to produce dramatic colors.
Sun Damage